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Musical Theater Focus

This Musical Theater focus requires that a student must have the ability to warm up, use their voice safely and to be able to practice on their own and with a vocal coach.   


I believe that Musical Theater is an amazing art form.  It crosses the boundaries of theatrical concepts.  It asks its performers to study the disciplines of singing, dancing, acting and more.  It pushes them to have specialties within each of these art forms.  


To be successful in the world of Musical Theater one must “do it all.”  Sing with the ability of an opera or pop star, dance like a ballet soloist or tap like the Nicholas brothers and act as if you were a Shakespearean thespian or the current star of film and tv.  You must adapt your instrument much like a chameleon changes its color.  


During this class, you will continue to explore and refine the areas of the Four C's; Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration. These are the hallmarks of working successfully not only in theater but in any career, on any team or anywhere you need to interact with people. To help you understand how this will apply in-class read the following examples.


Critical Thinking:








Musical Theater in my humble opinion allows its performers a huge range of experiences as an artist.  These experiences allow the artist to grow, adapt and become better at multiple disciplines that are and have always been needed on the musical stage.


This Advanced Projects will focus on two areas.  One is the history of this art form and the other is the interpretation of the song and lyric.  Other areas can be explored if there is time.  Please click on the button below for further information.


So, good luck and as Julie Andrews sang in The Sound of Music, “let’s start at the beginning, a very good place to start…”




This years class may be a bit of a different journey as we dive in a new normal of hybrid and remote classes. This requires flexibility from all of us.  Please read below:


Assignments can be found at:

  • Oncampus

  • The Class Folder-Google Drive

  • Email


Completed Assignments will be turned in to your class google folder.

I will create class a class folder and share it with you.  You need to create your own folder within that class folder.

Please follow the prompts:

  1. In the folder shared with you, create your own a google folder. 

  2. Label it with your class and your name -"AF Your Name" ie:  AF John Smith. 

  3. Create subfolders with the following titles:  Journal, Worksheets, Research, Video  


Hint:  If you are a person who writes on paper all you need to do is take a picture of your work and place it into the correct folder. 

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