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Topic One. Pages 1-63


The titles of the chapters suggest that Rodgers was a “sentimentalist" and Hammerstein had a “quality of yearning.” After reading these chapters please comment upon if you agree with those chapter headings or not.  Please identify some examples to support you thoughts.  Entry should be two short paragraphs.




Topic Two. Pages 64- 120


The chapter entitled "And Away We Go", talks about the creative process that R & H had to go through.  Can you share what you learned from their process by sharing what you think about their:

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Creative Thinking to Solve Problems

  • Did their previous experiences influence their process


The chapter entitled, "Bustin' Out", both R & H made decisions about what to work on next after Oklahoma opened.  Share a short thought about:

  • Their individual journeys and why they embarked upon them.

  • The process for working on their next show Carousel

  • How important was "human relationships" to both R & H in their work.


Topic Three. Pages 121-203


The chapter entitled, "So Far" talks about how R & H made a some important decisions to solidify their financial future.  Share a short thought about:

  • The financial decisions they made and why.

  • Can you talk to the insecurity R & H, together with Berlin dealt with and can you empathize with them?


In the chapter entitled, "Enchanted Evening"share a short thought about:

  • The challenges they faced mounting "South Pacific"

  • Who is Trude Rittman and her importance to the creative team?


In the chapter entitled, "Parallel Wives" there is much talk about the creation of The King and I . Can you share a few thoughts about the following:

  • Is Anna Feminist and how does she demonstrate these principals?

  • What does Anna do within the show to challenge the King?


"H" realized ",that an unspoken sexual tension and mutual attraction between Anna and the King would be the emotional center of the show." Share thoughts about the following:​

  • Illustrated by following song from pgs 200 -201.  Describe how the Kings and Anna's different views of monogamy are explained.

  • In your opinion what is the  physically action in that scene that furthers the plot of mutual attraction and what is the physical action that shows the turmoil of the King.

  • Is the King and I from the info you've read a love story?  Share a few thoughts.


Topic Four. Pages 204-266


Please comment upon the following:


  • Identify two negative issues that R & H had to deal with throughout their successful collaboration and how they handled it.

  • Share your thoughts about some of the differences between Yul Brynner and Gertrude Lawrence as The King And I ran on  Broadway?


In 1953 H was asked to defend his patriotism for the United States.   Share your thoughts about the following:


  • What was going on in America at that time and why he needed to defend himself?

  • Do you believe he needed to defend himself?


In 1955 R was diagnosed with cancer of the jaw and was also diagnosed and treated for alcoholism. 


  • How did this effect his creative process?


When R&H move to California they decided to buy back the rights to Oklahoma.  


  • Can you share what you think the two biggest reasons are? 


Flower Drum Song creative team was amazing with Gene Kelly, Carol Haney and Oliver Smith.  However there were challenges.  Can you share your opinion about the following:


  • What was the cultural importance of a younger generation of Asian American artists.  



Topic 5. Pages 267-320


As you read the process of creation for The Sound Of Music we find the importance of the choice of H’s words for his characters to sing?


  • Please speak about his knowledge of certain words the are easier to sustain a vowel that could resonate.  Can you explain how you can use this information when you score a song?


  • What did you learn about the importance of the lyricist knowledge of vocal placement?


Why did Maria Von Trapp want to rectify her husbands picture and did R & H accomplish that?


With H’s passing choose one of projects R worked on and how his process may have been affected?


In your opinion do you agree or disagree that R&H’s contributions to musical theater were nothing more then as,  "authors of soggy, cliche-ridden, unadventurous, melodramas?"

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