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Topic Two

Class Work:
We will explore the following concepts introduced in text book: ALAB 


  • Class Norms

  • Warm ups

    • Vocal

    • Physical

    • Mental

  • Beginning Character Analysis

You will be responsible for the following project work that you will be assigned in class. It will be expected that you will memorize it after it is assigned.

Project Work: 
Pick a Nursery Rhyme from the link below and prepare it to be as follows:

  • Memorized

  • Staged

  • Performed


Nursery Rhymes


By the end of the week, Friday beginning of class, please read pg 14-22 of 7 Truths.  Write a short journal entry regarding the following points:

  • Does the author believe that in great acting the character is always you? 

    • How do you feel about that statement?

  • Do you believe the author when he states that we have two personas, our public and private? 

    • Give three examples of your two personas.

  • Explain the difference between working from the "inside out" and the "outside in​."

    • Do you believe this?

  • What does the statement "Point of view" mean to you as an actor? 

  • Please pick one of the writing exercises the author prompts at the end of the chapter and complete it.

As a review, by the end of the week, Friday beginning of class, please read pg 18-35 ALAB that you will find a pdf of above.  It is important that these become part of an actors vocabulary. be able to explain the following if asked:

  • Describe each part of Freytag’s Pyramid in your own words.

  • Explain:

    • Beats

    • Units

    • Objective

    • Super objective

    • Tactics

    • Obstacles

    • Alternatives

    • Subtext

    • Moment Before

It is expected that you will share a link with your journal entry for me to review by Friday start of class. If the link is not provided you will not receive credit.

Fill out the following Assessment when asked.

General Assessment

Self RubricII

Home work over the weekend:
Review all info to date.

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