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Topic Three



Class Work
We will explore the following concepts Introduced in text book ALAB: 


  • Dramatic Structure

  • Units, Beats

  • Tactics

  • Objective

  • Super Objective

  • Endowment

  • Moment Before

  • Subtext

  • Stage Directions

  • Body Positions

Project Work: 
You will be assigned a Contentless Scene and a partner. You will take the concepts that we have explored and use those in the creation of the scene.


Contentless Scenes

You will receive verbal, in the moment assessment from the instructor and peers.

Reading Assignment:


By the end of the week, Friday beginning of class, please read pg 23-40 of 7 Truths.  Write a short journal entry regarding the following points:

  • What does the author mean about when they say, "words being the tip of the iceberg?"  â€‹

  • Why is it important to find a personal connection to your characters wants and needs?​

  • Why is the Crucial Connection important for an actor.

  • What is meant by being present for an actor?

  • What is meant by the Reality of Doing? 

  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statements and why:

    • You must be present in the moment​.

    • You must listen with your hearts ear.

    • You must really do the things you are doing onstage.

    • Moments can be casual.


As a review, by the end of the week, Friday beginning of class, please read pg 35-43 ALAB. It is important that these become part of an actors vocabulary. be able to explain the following if asked:


  • Importance of Marks and Matching

  • Choose one style of theater and write a short paragraph about it.

It is expected that you will share a link with your journal entry for me to review by Friday start of class. If the link is not provided you will not receive credit.

Home work over the weekend:
Review all info to date.

Home work over the weekend:
Review all info to date.

General Information

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