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General Information

Class Work:
You will be exposed to:
Class Notes:

  • Warm Ups

    • Vocal

    • Physical

    • Mental

    • Team building exercises

You will be given your digital text books for the class. This will be augmented by scripts, handouts and videos, etc. Please download the text books below to your iPad or other digital device so that you can read it.


A Little Acting Book

The 7 Simple Truths of Acting for Teens


Reading Assignment:


By the end of the week, Friday beginning of class, please read pg 1-13 of 7 Truths found in the pdf above.  Write a short journal entry regarding the following points:


  • Please write down the nine principals the author has identified.  Explain, in a few sentences why do you think each are important?

  • Think about the statement about you agree or disagree? 

    • Give a few reasons to defend your position.

  • What are your thoughts about doing something difficult?

    • Do you shy away? ​

    • Do you embrace it?

  • Why did you choose to take acting class?


As a review, by the end of the week, Friday beginning of class, please read pg 1-18 ALAB that you will find a pdf of above.  It is important that these become part of an actors vocabulary. be able to explain the following if asked:


  • Why is relaxation important?

    • Give examples of both physical and vocal warmups

  • Describe the characteristics of a successful actor

    • Identify and synopsize successful characteristics in your own words.

  • What does imagination mean to an actor and why is it important.

  • Identify and synopsize in your own words.

    • Goal

    • Obstacle

    • Doing vs Being

    • Tactics

    • Expectations

  • What are the 5 W’s and why are they important.





It is expected that you will pass in your journal by the Friday of the assigned week.

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