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Topic Five

General Information

TOPIC FIVE- The Rehearsal Process

Class Work:
You will take the information you have learned and now place into a rehearsal process. The class will now become more of a project laboratory based class that becomes structured for the individual. This process involves in depth memorization and rehearsal protocols that need to be understood so that you and your scene partner may accomplish your goal of presenting a good scene.

Reading Assignment: 
Please write about the following prompts in your journal by Friday:

Memorization seems to be a problem for some of us. That is because there are different ways of learning. Take a look at the following article and answer these questions in your journal:


  • What type of memorizer am I?

  • How can I become better a memorizing?

Actors Etiquette:
Etiquette in today's world seems to be something that is losing ground. Actor’s etiquette allows everyone who works in the theater the freedom be creative while maintaining professional standards. It can be as simple as picking up trash that someone else has left to keep the theater clean. 


  • Look at the pdf below and pick out four statements that you can explain why you think these are important to maintain.



Rehearsal Process:
As you are in the rehearsal process, you will find that you can be distracted by many things. Cell phones, texting, email, conversations, etc. Think about how you can put those distractions to the side while you focus upon the job at hand. Take some time to write a short entry into your journal about what you think a rehearsal process should look like by Friday.


Peer and Self Assessment Rubric

It is expected that you will share a link with your journal entry for me to review by Friday start of class. If the link is not provided you will not receive credit.

Project Work: 
Continue scene work using contentless scenes or an assigned scene using new found information. Go deeper into the technique of creating a back story, blocking the piece, and scoring a scene.


Start working on Historical Theater Project.

You will have two weeks to finish this project.  Information is below.

Please click on: Historical Theater Project

You will receive verbal, in the moment assessment from the instructor and peers, in addition to filling out a Peer/Self Assessment.


Oral Report


Reading Assignment:




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