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General Information

TOPIC THREE- Review of Acting Techniques

Class Work
We will explore the following concepts Introduced in text book ALAB: 


  • Dramatic Structure

  • Units, Beats

  • Tactics

  • Objective

  • Super Objective

  • Endowment

  • Moment Before

  • Subtext

  • Stage Directions

  • Body Positions

Project Work: 
You will be assigned a Contentless Scene and a partner. You will take the concepts that we have explored and use those in the creation of the scene.


Contentless Scenes for Acting One


You will receive verbal, in the moment assessment from the instructor and peers.

Reading Assignment:
By the end of the week, Friday beginning of class, please read pg. 35-43 ALAB and 14-16 of ALWB. Since the reading of ALAB is a review please focus on answering the following prompts from the ALWB for a class presentation:

  • What is jump starting the creative process and give some examples of your own creative process?

  • When creating a character on the page are there character questions that an actor uses that can help you? If so please identify them?

Oral Report Assessment
Your presentation will be in the manner of an oral report. We will discuss the style that it can be presented in. Also, you will need to present three additional sources for your research. Please review the Oral Report Rubric to understand what you will be assessed on. Your report can be no longer then five minutes.

Writing Project Homework
Now it's time to start writing. Pick a prompt from page 14 of ALWB and create an outline of a short, simple 1 page scene or monologue and make sure that it includes the following:


  • Written idea or pitch for the scene or monologue

  • Back Story

  • All concepts of the three act structure

  • Full character development

Please pass in by Monday your outline for your scene.


Oral Report Rubric

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