Topic Seven
General Information
TOPIC SEVEN- Collaboration with Cinema
The class format now changes to using concepts introduced into an advanced lab setting. This setting allows the process of researching scenes, presenting, directing and the writing of original material to be explored using the concepts that have been taught.
You will be assessed using a variety of rubrics, student and teacher feedback. You will also collaborate with cinema students for a period of time to apply concepts in an experimental method through a variety of genres in the medium of TV/Film during the next four weeks.
With that in mind there are four projects that need to be completed by the end of the four weeks:
Weekly Journal - Reflection on personal process due and submitted by Friday each week.
Compare a Theater Piece to a Movie written by due date- See assignment sheet below.
Read a play or watch movie and write a review about it - See assignment sheet below.
Write a reflection: How do you talk about theater now as an actor with your new understanding of what it takes to be an actor written by due date
All written projects must be done by the date specified and can be submitted via electronically or you will not receive credit.